Andrew was working on the car that morning, sanding, body filling, sanding, spraying primer and working really hard on the car. He has been coming home from work at night and religiously working on the mini every day, this while the little madam is galvanting all over the show, you know she has plenty commitments you see. He 'wips' himself that day and comes inside and decides that's it, no more, he is not doing this all by himself. Cleans himself up come and sits down to watch TV and what does the daughter do - decides that that is the day she is going to help her father with her car. Boy, did that take the wind out of his sails! It was so funny. So after lunch, the two of them were back working on the mini.
I have really married a handy man, have always known it, but by spray painting the mini, and doing such a good job with it, I am amazed at how good he is at being handy.