Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Andy and Janine

Andy and Janine having some photo's taken by an aspiring young photographer. Janine was asked to organise this to help some photographers that need to make a portfolio for their studies. It is nice to have photo's taken and then all powerdered up and you are made to look just perfect. Thought I would post these, there are still more to come, if there are some really nice ones I will post more. Just one more note, when I look at these photo's I do see the very strong resemblance to his Grandpa and namesake. The hair colour - it is out of a box, I might add. Everyone loves it except Andrew and myself, we love the blond!


Charlene and Co said...

I saw Andy/model on facebook!!
Lucky cause you also get some stunning pics out of the deal. The photo's really came out nicely, must be the excellent models....
I am getting my wedding invites tomorrow- so expect yours in the post soon!!!

Sharon & George said...
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Sharon & George said...

I haven't checked my blog in more than a week as I'v been at Melissa's for the last week. I love the picture of Auntie Trudie and Mother. Auntie Trudie always did have a sense of humor as well as a compassionate personality. I think that's what keeps her so young. Looks like mother is having a well deserved rest after spending a year with me. I love the picture's of Andy. "no matter if it's black or white" he is so cute! Love him,

Cindy and Rob said...

Andy is a babe. And his girlfriend is so pretty too. I love the pictures. They are great pictures.

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