Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nanna News 05 Jan

Got the results back for Nanna's cholesterol and it is a little too high, so the doctor has prescribed medication for her.

Mother is slowly realising that she has to start looking at her diet for health reasons, which is a good sign, last night she was still being stubborn but I see today she is reading some info and seems ready to make some changes in her life. Her sugar is still a bit of a concern for me and so she is going to have to deal with it and learn what she can and can't have to regulate and hopefully bring it under 6 for a fasting count. The difficult part is going away and being strong when everyone else is eating 'lekker' stuff. I went through it and the first 2 weeks are really hard because I bake puddings every Sunday but can't have it. I make pap and can't have it, for Christmas I made this really special trifle and could not have any of it, but you learn and you stop craving all these things. Mother is just going to have to be a little stronger, which I think she is really going to battle with because she is used to just doing and having what she wants. I have a few days to get her started, and I feel a bit for her, because it is the cholesterol and sugar all at once. After this mild stroke, and when Mother was having it, the one thing I remembered so clearly was Aunty Jean, and when she went senile and hers was from not looking after her diabetes. I was fortunate that many years ago I automatically stopped eating red meat etc and all the wrong 'fats' so when I found out that I was Insulin Resistant, I just had to sort out my sugar levels. I will say, it is devine to sleep every night for 7 hours and not wake up after 2 to 3 hours of sleep and not fall back asleep. I was lucky most people never know they have it, I just happened to have the sleeping problem that plagued me for 18 months, if it was not for that I would never have known.

I need to buy a blood pressure machine, because we need to check Mothers blood pressure daily because it is so low, that is also another concern. She will have to up her intake of salt. I get concerned because my blood pressure is always also very low, has been my whole life, Chantal has the same problem as well. Mother used to be on blood pressure tablets when she lived in Naboomspruit, and when she moved down, she could go off them, Andrew's Dad has found the same thing, that the blood pressure drops here at the coast. It will be interesting to see what her blood pressure will be when she is visiting Charlene.

To all of you, keep a close eye on what you eat, because your health is really important. To those of you with little children, watch what you feed them and set a good example for them, they, and most certainly you, will benefit from it.

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