Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Diet

For those that have asked 'what I did?' I will do a few small posts and tell you.

Firstly, you need to stop eating any 'crap'. Firstly, salt - do not use normal salt, use Himalayan Crystal Salt, it is the highest grade of natural salt. I also use A. Vogel's 'Trocomare' or you can use Bioforce's 'Herbamare.

Second, remember I needed to stop eating 100 % sugar of any kind, cane sugar, and any other natural sugars that they make. The first 2 days are hard, your body is craving it for energy. Cane sugar is highly refined ...... and that is the main crux of what I eat. As much unrefined food as possible. The other very important factor is - LOW GI foods.

Second to the Bible, I have a little book that I carry with me everywhere still, it is "GI & GL counter" by Dr Wynnie Chan. It gives you all the foods that are high/med/low GI and GL indexes. It gives you kcal's, energy kj, fat g, sat fat g, protein g, carbs g and fibre. Must take note of the front pages as well as quantities, that is most important because 100 g of something could be Low GI and Low GL but 150 g can be Low GI and High GL - then you should stay away. I don't check the kcal etc, but I have come to understand food. In that book I stay away from anything that I know my body will react to - e.g. sugars even if they are low GI / GL. I won't have a good nights sleep otherwise.

We walk daily - rest day is a friday - chose which day is convinient for you. Try exercise 6 days a week. min of 30 min per day. You need to feel it - We walk along the beach, today is saturday, and so we walked dbl the normal, because we have the time, and we then include cardio e.g. a bit of running in between the walking. Work up a good sweat .......

Now for the food ...... this is the hardest part for everyone .......

High GI foods like 'White rice' - Potatoes (incl sweet potatoes) - pumpkin (not all - Butternut is exempt) I stay away from - Bread is a NO...NO... I only eat Low GI bread and that might be one slice in a week.

For breakfast I have 100 g Jungle Oats - look at purchasing the one that must be cooked and not the quick and easy ones that have all sorts of additives and precooked.

At 10h00 I have half a glass of Ultra Meal Original Low Kj Meal replacement made by Metagenics (from America) should find in Health Stores that sells any Metagenics products.

At 12h00 I have a raw salad - tossed with at least 5 servings of fresh vegetables in, could have lettice, broccoli, cucumber, tomatoes, green/red/orange/yellow peppers, cabbage, carrots, spinach etc .... I also add Feta cheese (my protein) and as a dressing you can mix olive oil (cold pressed) lemon juice (must be fresh lemons) organic balsamic vineggar and of course ... Himilayan Rock salt. you can also add stuff like nuts, dates or sprouts. I also use regular salad dressings that are healthy.

At 15h00 I have 4 Provita's (Wholewheat) with either marmite or Organic Peanut butter that has no sugar/preservative/salt/etc added.

At night I have my supper ... sometimes fish with Salads, NO potatoe or rice salads or even beetroot. Chicken with some steamed veggies are also good. It is important to eat as much raw foods as possible, but within reason.

Need to include a bit of protein in all meals, remember veggies are carbs, so what I also do, is eat some nuts with the salads at lunch time. I cook brown rice with lentils (1 cup brown rice to 1/4 cut lentils with 3 cups water with my salt) and add to the salad.

Try use stuff like Tofu in Stir Fry's instead of meat: used stuff like Arame and Wakame Sea weed to flavour the Tofu and Braggs Amino (or soya sauce) so here is a receipe for Tofu Stir-Fry:

1 pkt firm Tofu, cubed.
Assortment of veggies (Broccoli, Onions, Carrots, Red pepper etc)
2 strips Wakame seawee, cut into 2 cm pieces with scissors.
1/4 tsp grated ginger
1 crushed garlic clove
6 Tbsp Braggs Amino or soya sauce.
2 cups cooked brown rice or rice pasta.

Heat the wok (use stainless steel preferably) with some ghee (butter fat) or olive oil. Stir-fry tofu until brown (hgih heat) Sautee the onions and all all other ingredients. Stir over high heat and cover for 2 to 3 min. Repeat stiring until soft but still crunch. Remove from heat and add Braggs amino. Service at once - serve with fresh srouts (it will add to the nutritional value of this delicious dish)

You need to vary the diet all the time and try and make sure that you eat various veggies and fruits daily. I am restricted to 2 fruits max a day. Good rule for all. Sugar content is high. When you are younger, in your twenties, your body can cope with all that you throw at it, but by the time we reach our 40's our bodies recon that they have had enough of what we shove down our throats, and recon no more now. Bad eating habits cause bad health.

Just a gentle reminder - when I arrive in Sacramento, Sharon had gone to have a colonop...... ( whatever) and I know that it is a very unpleasant experience, and I wonder what Sharon's body was saying to her then .......... Your colon is part of you intestines, a very important part. That means your diet is poor, food is lying in your body rotting away, place some food in a nice cosy warm body temp area for 3 to 5 days, and see what that looks like - it is in your body .......... lying there (Atri told Andrew that - his digestive system was a mess) Gillian McKeith is brilliant shw would show you what that looks like. A good digestive system should have a days food in your body not like most people who eat 'REFINED' foods, the food is there on average for 3 days min. That is where colon problems come from, or constipation (also lack of water) ........

I just drink 2 things now - Water - not tap water but purified water. I buy purified water now - not mineral water. Sharon has a good water purifier, use it. The other liquid I drink is 'Rooibos Tea' no milk - no sugar. Just like that.

Look at the food and check and use logic - is this good for me or bad for me.

Just to mention 1 last fact - if I eat crisps (potatoe chips) I wake up at 01h30 in the morning just like if I had eaten sugar ........ That means it is giving my pancreas and liver a tough time.

Till next time, need to do something for the 2 men in my life ......

Love and miss you all - to Sharon , I wish I was there to inspire, motivate and teach you, most that I have learnt has come from reading books, internet, Atri and I have used what I want and taken it from there, I used what I thought is good for me and didn't use what I deemed bad for me

most of all good luck ....
Ask if you need more info........


Sharon & George said...

Wish you were here too. Anyway, thanks for the tips. Valmai tell mother that Brother Alex Paddock died. George will be in South Africa this weekend. He will be speaking at the funeral.

Dan and Melissa said...

Thanks Aunty Valmai,
You have such great self-discipline. Nana did such a good job teaching all of her children that.

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